Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 303.24 lei |
25 | 295.26 lei |
50 | 286.14 lei |
100 | 278.16 lei |
250 | 273.6 lei |
500 | 267.9 lei |
A versatile cast iron sauté pan suitable for a range of culinary applications. From frying to small casseroles or sauce dishes, this pan is also an excellent baking dish. With exceptional heat capacity, the pot boasts a thick base that minimises the risk of burning. The lid features small spikes that allow for gentle and even distribution of water vapour from condensation over the contents, making it a self-basting feature. The interior of the pan is coated with black enamel, featuring larger pores and a slightly rougher surface that over time fills with oil to create a non-stick patina akin to raw cast iron. This sauté pan is compatible with all types of hobs, including induction hobs.
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