Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 270.18 lei |
25 | 263.34 lei |
50 | 256.5 lei |
100 | 248.52 lei |
250 | 243.96 lei |
500 | 239.4 lei |
You won't go unnoticed with this spacious weekend bag over your shoulder, as it is both stylish and minimalistic. The bag has an adjustable strap, so you can travel with comfort regardless of whether it is a work trip or a vacation. In order to provide better organisational capacity, the bag has been equipped with a zipper pocket on one side and a small pocket with a push button on the other one. Made of nubuck PU-Material which gives the bag its water-repellent properties.
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Putem imprima rapid cantitati foarte mari de produse din plastic, metal, sticla, carton, lemn, pluta etc.
Exemple: cană ceramică, pahar sticlă, pix, breloc, brichetă, statie meteo, ruletă.
Mesh-uri, bannere, roll-up, pop-up, colantari de vitrine, display-uri, litere volumetrice in conditii grafice deosebite.
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design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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