Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 76.68 lei |
100 | 74.52 lei |
250 | 72.36 lei |
500 | 71.28 lei |
1000 | 69.12 lei |
1500 | 68.04 lei |
Humidifier made from durable ABS with integrated internal UV-C light that will look good on any table top. The humidifier will produce a mist to keep any living space healthy with optimal air quality. In winter it will make sure there will be less dry air and in summer it will have a cooling function. The nozzle produces very little sound so it’s even suitable to use at night. The integrated UV light will kill up to 99,9% of potential harmful bacteria in the water before being sprayed. Including 2 extra cotton sticks to replace the original one. One cotton stick will last up to 8 months of permanent use. Content: 200 ml that needs to be refilled after 4 hours of usage. UV-C wavelength 270nm-280nm. UV-C light will only be activated when item is closed. Including 120 cm PVC free TPE micro charging cable
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la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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