Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 382.32 lei |
25 | 371.52 lei |
50 | 361.8 lei |
100 | 352.08 lei |
250 | 344.52 lei |
500 | 338.04 lei |
An incredible noise free listening experience as soon as the first sound hits your ear. The supreme ANC technology allows you to block out all unwanted noise to fully enjoy your music. The deep and clear audio makes you feel you never want to stop listening to your favourite music, podcast or video. The extra soft and comfortable cushions make you feel like you can wear it all day and beyond. The battery will keep you going for an impressive 20 hours play time. With premium quality MIC to answer calls. The strong but lightweight design allows a perfect fit, and the foldable design allows you to carry the headphone wherever you go. Urban Vitamin items are made without PVC and packed in 100% plastic free packaging. ANC level: up to 25 DB.
Pentru a personaliza produsele, avem nevoie de logo-ul companiei tale in format vectorial (ai, eps, pdf, cdr, svg) sau in format jpg, png, tiff, bmp, psd, la o rezolutie de minim 300 dpi.
design, imprimare, livrare
Print digital polikrom UV – direct pe obiecte promotionale
Gravura se diferențiază net față de celelalte tehnologii de imprimare prin rafinament și eleganță, dar și prin durabilitatea excepțională a marcajelor executate astfel.
Putem imprima rapid cantitati foarte mari de produse din plastic, metal, sticla, carton, lemn, pluta etc.
Exemple: cană ceramică, pahar sticlă, pix, breloc, brichetă, statie meteo, ruletă.
Mesh-uri, bannere, roll-up, pop-up, colantari de vitrine, display-uri, litere volumetrice in conditii grafice deosebite.
Flyere, carti de vizita, postere, afise, brosuri, reviste, carti, cataloage, mape, pungi de hartie avand diverse formate.
design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
transfer bancar, ramburs, online