Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 190.08 lei |
25 | 185.76 lei |
50 | 180.36 lei |
100 | 174.96 lei |
250 | 171.72 lei |
500 | 168.48 lei |
Go truly wireless with these compact but powerful earbuds. The earbuds come with low latency gaming mode (65 MS) to minimise the sound delay between your screen and the audio when playing games. Thanks to environment noise cancelling (ENC) your phone calls are crystal clear by filtering away noise from the environment during your call. No more questions to repeat what you just said. Thanks to the touch control function you only have to tap the earbud to answer. The comfortable earbuds have up to 5 hours of listening time and the pocket size charging case allows up to 18 hours of playback. The IPX 4 rating makes the earbuds weather and sweat proof so no worries to take them outside. Urban Vitamin items are made without PVC and packed in plastic reduced packaging.
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Gravura se diferențiază net față de celelalte tehnologii de imprimare prin rafinament și eleganță, dar și prin durabilitatea excepțională a marcajelor executate astfel.
Putem imprima rapid cantitati foarte mari de produse din plastic, metal, sticla, carton, lemn, pluta etc.
Exemple: cană ceramică, pahar sticlă, pix, breloc, brichetă, statie meteo, ruletă.
Mesh-uri, bannere, roll-up, pop-up, colantari de vitrine, display-uri, litere volumetrice in conditii grafice deosebite.
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design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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