Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 337.44 lei |
25 | 328.32 lei |
50 | 319.2 lei |
100 | 310.08 lei |
250 | 304.38 lei |
500 | 298.68 lei |
This Swiss Peak AWARE™ 15.6" laptop backpack with anti-theft back opening makes it easy to carry your tech gadgets and personal items out and about. The inner features a laptop and tablet compartment. RFID safe pockets for your wallet and passport. Connect your power bank easily to the integrated USB Type-C charging port and charge your phone or tablet on the go. Hidden easy access back pocket. With AWARE™ tracer that validates the genuine use of recycled materials. Each bag has reused 20.8 PET bottles. 2% of proceeds of each Aware™ product sold will be donated to
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design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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