Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 11.88 lei |
250 | 11.88 lei |
500 | 11.88 lei |
1000 | 10.8 lei |
2500 | 10.8 lei |
5000 | 10.8 lei |
Modern infinity pen made with RCS certified recycled aluminum. Total recycled content: 40% based on total item weight. RCS certification ensures a completely certified supply chain of the recycled materials. Triangle shaped body with CM indication on one side and Inches on another side. Traditional wooden pencils write only up to around 200 metres but this Tree free infinity pencil, has a writing length of up to around 20000 metres using a graphite tip to produce a graphite line. Not only does it write like a pencil, but the markings can be erased. It works by leaving a graphite line on paper just like a regular traditional wooden pencil but it wears down so slowly, that it should outlast up to 100 traditional wooden pencils! With touch tip to operate mobile device. Packed in FSC® mix packaging.
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Mesh-uri, bannere, roll-up, pop-up, colantari de vitrine, display-uri, litere volumetrice in conditii grafice deosebite.
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design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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