Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 539.22 lei |
100 | 525.54 lei |
250 | 510.72 lei |
500 | 497.04 lei |
1000 | 486.78 lei |
1500 | 477.66 lei |
Experience modern design and enhanced security with the Bobby Edge. Engineered with an anti-theft design and a self-locking metal zipper puller, this backpack keeps your belongings safe. Its lightweight yet durable construction, along with a water-repellent exterior and waterproof zipper, ensures protection from the elements.Enjoy smart interior organisation for easy access to essentials. The addition of a discreet RFID-protected rear pocket and hidden tracking device pocket enhances convenience and security during your daily adventures. The Bobby Edge blends modern design with advanced security features, offering a stylish and protected journey for the modern explorer. Made from R-pet fabric with the AWARE™ tracer. With AWARE™, the use of genuine recycled fabric is guaranteed. 14% recycled content. Registered design®
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design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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