Cantitate | Produs simplu |
1 | 37.8 lei |
100 | 36.72 lei |
250 | 35.64 lei |
500 | 34.56 lei |
1000 | 34.56 lei |
1500 | 33.48 lei |
This hardcover Impact collection stone paper notebook if made of tree-free paper! Stone paper consists mainly of mineral powder (80%) bound with (20%) of non-toxic HDPE (a clean plastic). Water and bleach are used during the production of traditional wood pulp paper however this book uses zero water or bleach. Traditional wood pulp paper uses around 2770 litres of water and around 18 trees. This beautiful A5 stone paper notebook uses zero! Soft to the touch and velvety paper for ultra-smooth writing. 64 sheets/128 pages of 58 gm/m2 white coloured lined stone paper. The cover is also fully made of stone paper to save water. With the focus on water 2% of proceeds of each sold Impact product will be donated to
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Putem imprima rapid cantitati foarte mari de produse din plastic, metal, sticla, carton, lemn, pluta etc.
Exemple: cană ceramică, pahar sticlă, pix, breloc, brichetă, statie meteo, ruletă.
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design, imprimare, livrare
la comenzi de peste 450 lei
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